Friday, September 19, 2008
I saw the Dr. today. I have a uti infection which my body is trying to fight and that's part why my levels don't exist. They see other things going on so they put me on an antibiotic so my body can resume fighting the cancer. My levels did go up slightly so I did get another shot of some kind of cell booster. My WBC went up 1.0, and I have 1 baby white cell, go baby. I do not have to return till after the surgery. I also have Mri's scheduled at Evanston for the brain and spine on Oct. 11th and 12th, it shouldn't be affected by the surgery because its a different part of my body. (As long as they don't use staples, I'm OK, or I could stick to the machine)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Update 9-18-08
Cathy asked me to update the Blog because she had a 4 year old with an ear infection last night :(
Cathy has been feeling extra fatigued, winded and breathless lately. She went to her doctor and they took a White Blood Cell count. A normal count is between 7.0 and 10.0. Cathy's was .6. So they gave her a shot that's supposed to boost that number, but it only went up to .8. She's going in again tomorrow (Friday) to receive another shot. They will take her count again on Monday. If it is still really low, she will be admitted to the hospital to receive a blood transfusion and whatever other tricks they have for boosting white blood cells. The doctors are somewhat concerned, because usually the counts go up after the shot. They think she may have an infection somewhere, but they are not sure.
However, Cathy's spirits are high, as always. I don't know how she does it. She actually said a stay in the hospital doesn't sound too bad right now (no 4-year old, 2 dogs, or Mark Baker to deal with :) ) She's back on a steroid to help fight the inflammation in her brain which was giving her a lot of headaches.
Her mastectomy is still scheduled for October 6th, but if her white blood cell counts don't go up, it may push that date back.
I'll actually be in Illinois the next two weekends! I'm really looking forward to seeing my family again and helping out however I can. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!
Cathy has been feeling extra fatigued, winded and breathless lately. She went to her doctor and they took a White Blood Cell count. A normal count is between 7.0 and 10.0. Cathy's was .6. So they gave her a shot that's supposed to boost that number, but it only went up to .8. She's going in again tomorrow (Friday) to receive another shot. They will take her count again on Monday. If it is still really low, she will be admitted to the hospital to receive a blood transfusion and whatever other tricks they have for boosting white blood cells. The doctors are somewhat concerned, because usually the counts go up after the shot. They think she may have an infection somewhere, but they are not sure.
However, Cathy's spirits are high, as always. I don't know how she does it. She actually said a stay in the hospital doesn't sound too bad right now (no 4-year old, 2 dogs, or Mark Baker to deal with :) ) She's back on a steroid to help fight the inflammation in her brain which was giving her a lot of headaches.
Her mastectomy is still scheduled for October 6th, but if her white blood cell counts don't go up, it may push that date back.
I'll actually be in Illinois the next two weekends! I'm really looking forward to seeing my family again and helping out however I can. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!
An Inspiration To Me

This blog is actually going to be dedicated to someone I love, care for, and admire so much. My godchild and niece, Colleen Stanko. As many of you know she was diagnosed with, and had removed within 3 days of the diagnoses, an Ovarian Tumor that weighed in at over 12 Lbs. Yes, That's right 12 lbs. She also lost an ovary. Oh, did I mention shes only 16. Colleen has always been slender so we were amazed something so big could have gone undetected. Within days of being diagnosed she underwent surgery. This tumor was the size of a football, no kidding! Being rare, it's even rarer to be malignant. Her's was cancer. The Doctors believe they have all the cancer but as a precaution she is receiving Chemo. She lost her hair this week and barely batted an eye.I knew that as I had Colleen. I thouhgt I was ready. But it's still a shock to see youself bald. The first few days you can't stop rubbing your scalp. For thew next month I kept reaching for and then realizing "I don't need cream rinse or a towel on my head to hold my hair". Honestly, that took me awhile to remember. Colleen wasn't fazed. Her mindset, which is now mine, "IT IS WHAT IT IS". How true is that. We have no say. We are in God's hands first, Doctor's second. Colleen has been unbelivable since her diagnosis. She has never said "Why Me"? She is so young yet has never complained. She is amazing. As all of you have for me, pray to God that he continue to give Colleen the physical and emotional strength she has shown thus far in her battle to overcome this illness. I think of her constantly and I am amazed by her maturity and bravery. If anyone wants to e-mail me directly in regards to Colleen, feel free to do so.
The picture is Colleen sitting between Nick and Shaun.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I had my last chemo treatment yesterday, till after my surgery. The chemicals are definitely reeling in my body and have accumulated over the last 4(8) treatments. When I forget things the nurses call it chemo brain, I like the fact its not my fault and its just my brain, hahaha. I will not receive any more chemicals till after the surgery and they will start with oral chemo. The oral does upset my stomach, but oh well. My counts are really low so I do have blood level check next week. I am not just tired, I'm breathless. I also only sleep one -two hours a night. I keep thinking maybe there is something I should be doing but I can't get out of bed. I am suppose to just take it easy but its hard to just sit when I have a house to care for and a four year old. Listen to me, that really is not bad, it could be so worse. Uncle Bob, if you read this, thank you so much for the Holy Water. I can't tell you what it means to me.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sept. 3
Today I was informed I would be having a mastectomy on my left breast with removal of lump nodes with no reconstruction at this time. The Doctor wants to get right back to the treatments. She feels my body will be working harder to heal if I do further surgery at this time. The treatments following will also flow to the brain and they want that part of the treatment not to be postponed or altered at this critical state. I will have the surgery on Oct. 6th and spend 1-3 days in the hospital depending how my body responds. I get anxious thinking I may be getting some of the poison out of my body, can't wait. The brain is worse but that's next.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sept. 2
Well, as of today we are holding off the surgery till after the next round of Chemo treatments, which starts tomorrow. That pretty much means to me the beginning of Oct. I am getting a little anxious with this poison in my body, I wish they would give me more infomation. I went on line a little today and invaded Brain Cancer sites, I did get discouraged a bit but I feel so good other then the loss of sleep and fatigue that its hard to believe I really am sick. I see the Oncologist tomorrow morning and will keep you posted what he has to say. Don't hold your breath.
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